2021/5/29-30 大竹央祐 写真展【Beyond Inn Out】

5/29,30の土日2日間限定で、建築写真家 大竹央祐さんの初写真集・出版記念に伴う写真展を行います。

書籍『Beyond Inn Out』は、島田陽氏率いる Tato Architects が設計したThe Blend Inn(現在のBlend Studio)とそこを取り巻く街並みを、フィルムカメラで捉えた写真集です。

会場構成は、此花区梅香・四貫島エリアに長年活動拠点を置くNO ARCHITECTS / neo projects が担当。

今回は、The Blend Innの中での展示だけでなく





5/29(土) の16時からは、The Blend Innの建築家 島田 陽さんとのトークイベントを行います。

進行はBlendの初期メンバーであり、この地域に住み活動している詩人 辺口芳典が担当。


大竹央祐 写真展【Beyond Inn Out】

日時:5/29(土) 30(日)  10時〜18時


場所: 大阪市此花区梅香1-24-21 The Blend Inn (現Blend Studio

イベント:5/29(土) 16時~18時  島田陽氏を迎えた限定人数のトークイベント

トーク参加料 1000円(入場料別途)



大竹 央祐 オオタケ ヨウスケ


1989年生まれ 大阪在住。京都工芸繊維大学卒。大学で建築、意匠を学び、現在は関西にて建築写真を中心に空間、都市、人を撮影しています。大阪にて本庄西の現場というシェアオフィスにいます。


On May 29th and 30th, for two days only, we will be holding a photo exhibition in commemoration of the publication of architectural photographer Yosuke Otake’s photo book.

The book, “Beyond Inn Out,” is a collection of photographs taken with a film camera of The Blend Inn (now Blend Studio), designed by Yo Shimada, Tato Architects , and the cityscape surrounding it.

The exhibition was organized by NO ARCHITECTS / neo projects.

The works will be exhibited not only in The Blend Inn but also in various spots in the surrounding area.

Prior to the exhibition, these photo works are currently on display at Chidori Onsen in Baika until 25th May 2021.


On May 29, there will be a talk event with Mr.Ohtake and The Blend Inn’s architect, Yo Shimada. The event will be facilitated by poet Yoshinori Henguchi, an early member of Blend who lives and works in this area.

Click here to register.


Photo Exhibition by Yosuke Otake [Beyond Inn Out]

Date:  May 29(Sat), 30(Sun) 2021

Opening hours: 10:00 – 18:00

Admission: 500 yen

Place: The Blend Inn ( Blend Studio), 1-24-21 Umeka, Konohana-ku, Osaka

Event: 5/29(Sat) 16:00~18:00 Talk event with Yo Shimada, participation fee 1000yen


Yosuke Ohtake


Born in 1989. Lives and works in Osaka. Graduated from Kyoto Institute of Technology. After studying architecture and design at university, he is now working in the Kansai area, mainly taking architectural photographs of spaces, cities, and people.

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